Rampyari ortho Hospital & Research hospital. It is a state of art with modern Health care facility. The hospital started in 2004 on the name of my mother. The Hospital is dedicated for emergency management & advanced Trauma management Indeed the hospital is made truly for needed people at the time of crisis. Despite this Planed surgery, knee, joint, replacement surgery Arthroscopy, Trauma related to uro surgery, Neurosurgery, plastic surgery & pediatric surgery is available here.
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The state of art trauma hospital is fully equipped with all modern facility & advanced life support system, the hospital is having modern I.C.U major world Class O.T with laminar Floor, & Zero Bacteria Environment with comfort Zone inside the hospital the world class finest operating rooms intensive care units, Sophisticated laboratories, covering all major discipline & patient room with high Ambience and architecture. Even since its opening it has been the most favored destination for those who seek special care at the hospital. It is situated at the heart of city close to nature and away from maddening crowd.
At present hospital caters for more than 30000 out patient and 3000 in patient in a year. Approximately 2000 surgeries are performed in a year. The hospital does Charity work to the poor people class & helpless people. 20% of the hospital beds are earmarked for poor people.
Multitudes of leading corporates & multinational have this hospital in their panel. It is also at the central destination for whole Jharkhand & parts of Bihar,Orissa, West Bengal & Chattisgarh.