Latest Advanced Secondary & Tertiary Facilities are also available in our Hospital Of which sterilization system is better than any other hospital of Ranchi. We have latest equipments like Hydraulic Surgical Operation table, multipurpose Operating table “C” Arm Compatible Neurosurgical operating table, Cl Series shadow less operating lamp, Mobile shadow less operating Lamp, on Invasive portable monitor etc. As well as including three major & three minor operation. Theaters & ICU of Eight beds which has uninterrupted power and o2 supply.
With the help of above mentioned facilities we can provide the medical Facilities to 8-10 patients in critical position. We have four house surgeons in our hospital in which two re orthopedic and other two are neuro surgery exposure. As well as two anesthetist and two physician also available. That why our hospital Is 24 hours. Ready to take any type of critical cases our critical unit has two well trained duty doctors and 12 nurses.
We have modern patho lab in our hospital which has every type of analyzer and equipments from which we can do any type of investigation. We have blood bank in our hospital, which has all types of blood group are available.
Radiology Department is also well equipped. We have one X-ray machine and other is mobile X-ray machine through which we can provide X-ray facility towards patients. Each and every department has not air oven, autoclave, 4% Hypo chloride with the help of it every department can maintain sterilization
Nursing Care:
We have 25 nurses in our Hospital. They are fully trained in nursing. We give great attention to the patient of spinal injury for their transportation we have special type of spinal board which saves from further injury at the time of transportation and MRI. At the time of transferring of patient from the hospital to MRI center one doctor & one physiotherapist already present with patient to take more care at time of positioning.
The rehabilitation team of our hospital is fully able to rehabilitate the patient of any kind of ortho & neuro cases. As well as our hospital is equipped. By every sophisticated equipments. Like S.W.D, TENS, M.S.I.F.T, Ultra sound, Computerized traction (cervical & lumber) I.R Lamp U.V Lamps etc.
Our orthtic & prosthetic department is also equipped by latest machineries. Our hospital already tie-up with Hindalco, with Jharkhand Govt. for BPL (Below Poverty Line) and S.B.I, IEL Gomo. For Incurable disease we tie-up with Jharkhand Govt. under which comes Hip replacement, knee Replacement and any kind of spinal surgery.
We have two ambulances in which one is Maruti Van and other is Tata Sumo.